Un Jour à Marseille
Un Jour à Marseille

Un Jour à Marseille(2006)

  • Italian
  • 0.0 (0)
  • 51 mins
  • Oct 19, 2006


Marseille: Boulevard d'Athénes day and night, the Grande Joliette, the Corniche. Four stories, four views on the city. "Reviewing the images shot in Marseille for the feature film Flòr da Baixa, I immediately had the impression that a new film could be born from that material, largely already completed in the act of shooting, with minimal editing interventions, always taking away, without interventions on time and image. Thus Un Jour à Marseille was born, with great simplicity, the same as the little stories it shows. I believe it represents an important transition for me: from the subjective gaze of my early works to the evidence of reality, which is only apparently more transparent."