The Human Face of the Pacific. A Place of Power in French Polynesia
The Human Face of the Pacific. A Place of Power in French Polynesia

The Human Face of the Pacific. A Place of Power in French Polynesia(1983)

  • English
  • 0.0 (0)
  • 28 mins
  • Jan 1, 1983


A Tahiti is a rugged, forest-clad South Pacific island, surrounded by coral reefs. Its traditional Polynesian way of life has been swamped over the years by foreign influences, particularly that of France. However, the long-awaited re-emergence of traditional culture is the focus of this documentary. We look at some of the people responsible for the cultural revival and their arts including the building of a double hulled canoe, the art of full body tattooing and the fierce dance competitions at the high point of celebration of Polynesian culture, the Tiurai Festival.