Kawin Lari
Kawin Lari

Kawin Lari(1974)

  • Indonesian
  • 0.0 (0)
  • 1 hr 46 mins
  • Mar 20, 1974


Director Teguh Karya intended to make a “real” comedy amidst the many slapstick comedies at the time, and in fact calls this film a bitter comedy. In the film, Ms. Sumirah, a widow who used to be a favourite pretty girl in Padalarang, worries about her daughter Anna, who is shy and self-conscious. She keeps pushing Anna’s brother, Willy, to invite home a co-worker from the clothing factory he works in. Then a change occurs after Anna meets Jaka, an English teacher living near her house. When their relationship starts to bloom, it is found out that Jaka is the son of Saodah, a woman who once had an affair with Sumirah’s husband, Van Nijs. Sumirah changes her mind and opposes their relationship. Finally Anna and Jaka elope.



