Couture Behind The Iron Curtain
Couture Behind The Iron Curtain

Couture Behind The Iron Curtain(2018)

  • Hungarian
  • 0.0 (0)
  • 52 mins
  • Nov 12, 2018


There was Pest fashion in the socialist system, a strange, mysterious grandmother, Klára Rotschild, who could hold a parlor in Paris in the 60s and 70s. There is a mystery today about the reason, and the price for this privilege. He could travel to Paris twice a year, watch the current fashion shows, and memorize the French fashion at home. Klara Rotschild - though not a fashion designer or seamstress, but a tailor - was referred to as the genius of the profession.


Legends of Klari Rotschild, the "Chanel of the East".