Around the World in a Few Pages
Around the World in a Few Pages

Around the World in a Few Pages(2002)

  • English
  • 0.0 (0)
  • 15 mins
  • Jun 2, 2002


15’00” | DV | Colour | 2002 | Brazil Screening Format: DV Filming Format: Super 8/ DV Original Soundtrack: O Grivo Original Script: Cao Guimarães & Rivane Neuenshwander Directed, Photographed and edited by: Cao Guimarães This film was born in collaboration with artist Rivane Neuenschwander. The action consisted in randomly distributing pieces of a world map inside books standing in the bookshelves of Stockholm’s public library. The possible correlations between any place in the world and a book (or a page in book) are mysteries safeguarded by the destiny of the library’s regular visitors.